Monday, February 20, 2012


Our most recent contacts
Aiken, South Carolina

Valentine cookies to be delivered

Delivering Valentine cookies

A day in the car without going a mile.

Our little car buddy.

At each transfer the Elders returning home have an opportunity to bear their testimony. All the testimonies are so strong and emotional. This moth at transfers one testimony really made an impression on me. The young Elder made this remark in his testimony "have faith in yourself" and this just hit me so hard because it is so true. As Elder Berry and I have been serving we sometimes wonder if what we say or do is effective and we also question our abilities. From this young Elder we learned a great lesson and we are trying harder not to question or doubt but to go forward in faith. President Holms remarks that day were taken from this Elders statement. He told us we all needed more faith and quoted D&C 29:6-7 "--Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive. And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect: for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts." We all need to have more faith in ourselves in everything we do: work, school, sports, family relationships, church callings, etc.
This has been a strange but fun week. Monday and Tuesday we delivered valentine cookies. Tuesday was District Development Meeting at the church with three different districts meeting in separate rooms. After the meeting we all (12 Elders, 2 Sisters, 4 Seniors) went to Hibachi Grill for lunch to celebrate Valentines Day. What fun! Wednesday we took a senior sister who lives in assisted living to the doctor and when we returned her home she needed help with her computer so Lowell helped her out with that. Thursday we took a sister to the emergency room and waited 7 hours for her. While we waited we took care of Tony her three year old who would not get out of our car. The miracle of that day was the seven hours seemed as one. We visited a referral with the Elders. They invited us in, we visited and they returned the Book of Mormon that had been given to them and told us they were happy with their life. Before we left they wanted to know how we felt about Mitt Romney and they had great hopes that he would be elected president. We bore testimony, shook hands told them how happy we were to meet and visit with them and left. Wednesday we took Drew, from Swainsboro, Georgia who lives in a half way house, to lunch, gave him the book Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball, talked about repentance and the things he needs to do to get his life back in harmony with the Gospel, committed him to reading from the Book of Mormon daily, attending church, and told him the van would pick him up for church on Sunday. He assured us he would be ready. Sunday he wore a suit and looked handsome. He met the Bishop and has an interview with him this Wednesday. It seemed most of the people we visited this week weren't home or peeked out their windows but didn't open their doors. The Elders asked us to visit a couple that live together that they are teaching. The man is inactive and the woman is not a member and they also have two children together. The couple says they want to get married so the girl can be baptized but they can't seem to make any progress with them. We made an appointment to visit the couple and when we got there the man left and waited around the corner until we drove away. We didn't stay long because we wanted to talk to both of them. As we drove away the man returned home. Sunday the round up car drove around knocking on doors waking up people and reminding them the van would be by later to pick them up for church. At this trailer the wake up knock got a peek out the window but no response. The van didn't go by.

We took a break Sunday evening and had dinner with my sister Patty. She invited us over for my birthday and cooked us the most delicious dinner and a birthday cake. Her children, their spouses, and grandchildren were all there. Sisters are special!
As we go forward with our missionary service gathering the elect we will strive for greater faith. We will work harder with those who are eager to change their lives, those who don't want to get out of their comfort zones, or those who peek out the window at it that they may be gathered with the elect and except the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that we all will go forward with greater Faith.

Love, Elder and Sister Berry

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful message Reta (Sister Berry). Happy Belated Birthday and may the year ahead bring continued blessings to you and Brother Berry.
    Love from the Swarts'
