Monday, July 30, 2012


Elders Gowans and Berry leaving mission office

Elders Berry at mission office in south Catolina

South Carolina Mission Home
 One of the highlights for Senior Couples in the mission is a quarterly Senior Training Meeting followed by dinner at the Mission President's home. Tuesday was that special occasion. Elder Berry and I rode to Columbia with Elder and Sister Gowan. We love the Gowans and have enjoyed having them in our apartment complex. Although we go in different directions and have different responsibilities we love associating with them and sharing missionary experiences. The trip to Columbia gave us lots of time to share experiences and brag about our families. The Senior Couples will have a new responsibility in the mission soon. President Holm asked the Senior Couples to be apartment inspectors for the Elders and Sisters Apartments. It seems the Elders have become lax in cleaning and taking better care of their apartments, which is the Lords property. President Holm is concerned that the apartments are to dark. There needs to be more light and blinds should be opened during the day. Light comes from God. In our experiences light brings happiness, more energy, better thoughts, inspiration and is symbolic of the light of Christ. The scriptures liken light to truth and is a protection against evil. We are commanded to "walk in the light of the Lord" (Isa.2:5)  parents are commanded to bring up their children in "truth and light."(D&C 93:40-42)
"And that which doeth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light. and continueth in God, receiveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day. ( D&C 50:23-24) We are grateful for this council from our mission president and hope we will be able to make a difference when it comes to inspecting apartments.

Senior Couples with President and Sister Holm. Husbands are standing behind their wife
President Holm
Elder Decker performing a song he wrote about Columbia Mission

Elder and Sister Laudie - going home next week - served 6 month mission

Sister Bowman and husband serving 4th mission

Elder Phillips, Elder Agular (from Mexico by way of Texas), Elder Cahoon

Happy Birthday Elder Phillips

Last Sunday we celebrated Elder Phillips birthday. He requested a banana pudding. Elder Phillips is our new District Leader

We enjoy watching the Elders grow into their new calling and Elder Phillips has stepped up. He has decided that we should go into better neighborhoods to search out those who are prepared to receive the Gospel. In the past two years very few of those baptized have remained active. Elder Berry and I will continue to search out the less active and try to reactivate them along with the assistance of the Elders. The Elders purpose is to brings others to Christ and to baptize. Elder Phillips plan is to stop picking up investigators in the van and only pick up families who have been baptized who don't have transportation. His plan is to eventually retire the van which will probably take a couple of months. The plan is to turn transportation for those who need rides back to the ward. We are hoping and praying this will work. Ever since we have been in Augusta Elder Berry has said the van is a blessing and a curse. A curse because others won't search out their own ride and get themselves to church and  many of the ward members aren't assisting as they should and receiving their blessings. There is one couple in the ward that offers to pick up members without transportation. He makes two trips in his van. While he takes the last route home his family waits for his return to church and then they go home. We love this family. Youth conference was two weeks ago and the Bishop called on the young man in this family to bear his testimony. His testimony was the highlight of Sacrament meeting. This family is truly raising a stripling warrior. The Bishop didn't have any speakers today because he occasionally likes to call on members from the congregation. Before Sacrament meeting started the Bishop asked Elder Phillips and Elder Agular to speak. They both did a wonderful job. Elder Phillips gave the restoration and plan of salvation in fifteen minutes. Elder Agular told of his conversion and gave his testimony. Elder Agular has on,y been a member of the church of three years. He has been on his mission for one year. Saturday Elder Berry and I drove Elder Agular to Sumter, South Carolina for a baptism of an investigator who he helped teach. The family, ward members, and the person who was baptized requested that he be allowed to return. President Holm gave permission plus he also attended the baptism. It was truly inspiring to be in attendance and watch as the members greeted Elder Agular. He is truly loved by the Sumter Ward. We left Augusta at 3:30PM and returned to Augusta about 11:00PM. On our return trip home the heavens were aglow with lightning. It was almost like a fire works show and was truly beautiful. Before we reached Augusta we drove into a hard rain for about fifteen minutes which slowed us down a bit. Elder Berry and I commented that although we had traveled about 275 miles round trip and been gone for 8 hours, it was as if we had never left. We know Heavenly Father watches over us and his missionaries as we travel the mission. Sometimes some of our experiences seem to be dreams.

As we served this week we visited the hospital, nursing home, and sick members of the ward. We assisted the Elders as they visited less active and recent converts and investigators. We truly love this work and assisting the Elders. At times during the week our light  probably shone a little brighter than other times. Our service could probably be compared to the lightning that we experienced on our drive home Saturday night, flashing brighter from time to time.  Our desire is to be a continues bright light to those we serve. Our Elders and Sisters are truly examples of light and truth as they travel the mission preaching the gospel.

Love, Elder and Sister Berry 

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Elder Cahoon, Orlando Jenkins & Elder Lee

"And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work." (Alma 26:3) Saturday afternoon following the ward Pioneer Day Celebration we had a wonderful spiritual experience, the baptism of Orlando Jenkins  Elders Cahoon and Lee have been an instrument in God's hands as they taught Orlando about His true church. Orlando is a very quiet, shy man and stutters when he talks. Today in Sunday School class when the teacher asked for volunteers to read from the manual Orlando raised his hand and read. He not only did this once but twice. The gospel will change Orlando's life as he studies, learns, attends church and lives the principles the Elders  taught him. Columbia South Carolina Mission is truly a part of the Lord's vineyard and some of the finest Missionaries in the Church have been sent here to labor. This is hard work with long hours, disappointments and great joys and a great blessing to their lives and those they teach. We love being a part of this work and have experienced renewed energy as we serve. We love watching and participating with the young missionaries. We had transfers last week so Elder Berry and I were feeling a little sad because Elder Ultra was leaving us. Packing his suitcases in the trunk and hitching his bike on the bike rack was hard but easy. Hard because we love serving with him and easy because we know we will have the opportunity to serve with another choice Elder.  

Welcome to Augusta District Elder Agular

This transfer was small. We only had 1 sister and 1 elder arrive from the MTC. Even though there were less Elders and Sisters involved in this transfer the center section of the chapel was full. As we sat in the chapel singing hymns and waiting for the Mission President to arrive, I was filed with peace and gratitude for the Savior, for this Gospel and all the Elders and Sisters sitting in the chapel. The chapel was filled with power and with His spirit. We love to attend these meetings to get these feelings and we go back to Augusta with a renewed determination to work harder with a better attitude and a greater love for the people we serve. These Elders and Sister truly humble us as they are Instruments in His hands.

Sisters Brand & Johnson, Elders Ultra & Phillips

Elder and Sister Gowens

Sister Johnson last transfer (home) - Martinez Ward

Elders Lee, Ultra, Cahoon

Elders Phillips, Harris (Spanish) transferred, Abankwa (zone leader), Waugh (zone leader) transferred, Cahoon, and Ultra transferred



Bishopric against Primary

This has been a very busy week, transfer dinner Monday, Wednesday a trip to Columbia for transfers, visits to less actives, nursing home, hospital, celebrating our 49th wedding anniversary and accompanying the Elders as  they teach. Many of the investigators don't have cars so we help the Elders with transportation. This is a great work and we pray that as we serve in Augusta that we are instruments in His hands.

Love, Elder and Sister Berry

Alma 26:12 "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things;"

Monday, July 16, 2012


Elder Cahoon a Missionary for the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints - powerful Elder

Sister and Elder Berry,  Elders Phillips,  Ultra, Cahoon and Lee

 The above and below pictures were taken after Sunday Dinner. This week is transfer time again and we will be loosing Elder Ultra Wednesday. Elder Ultra has been our district leader for one transfer and President Holm called him to be a Zone Leader. We are so happy for him but sad that he will be leaving our district. He is truly a great missionary and teaches with Power. The Elders like to clown when taking pictures but I  wanted a dignified picture befitting  Powerful People. I was on one end and couldn't see what was going on  in the middle or the other end. Since this was our last Sunday dinner together they just wanted to have a little fun. Elder Berry and I wondered if the pink strawberry cake and pink strawberry ice cream could have had an effect on them.

The Augusta District with Brother Ficklin  our Assistant District Leader

Saturday we drove Elders Lee and Cahoon to an appointment with a single girl and we were able to participate in the discussion. She is a beautiful young, happy single lady with an eleven year old daughter. Her daughter was at summer camp so we didn't get to meet her. When the lady answered the door she was surprised to see us all standing there because she had forgotten she had an appointment with the Elders. She stood at the door and chatted until the Elders reminded her that they had an appointment to come back and asked if we could come inside and share a message with her. She looked at her watch and told us she would give us twenty minutes because she had a busy Saturday, places to go and people waiting for her. We had a very delightful visit. She told us that in the area she lived previous to moving to the apartment she now lives, the Elders were seen all over the neighborhood. She said she and some of the other people in the neighborhood did everything they could to avoid them. The reason she let us in was because she didn't want to be rude and it would be interesting to know what other people believed. The Elders were teaching the Plan of Salvation. They were explaining the importance of prophets and their role in ancient times and today. The phone rang and the lady answered it and told the person on the other end, "I can't talk now because the prophets are here and we are talking about Jesus." While we visited with this young lady I wished I could have written down some of the things she said. They were truly unique and typical southern expression. Of course it would have been rude and by the time we got to the car I had forgotten. We left about an hour later with an appointment to come back next Saturday. The visit with this young lady was like a breath of fresh air and we look forward to going back. I know she felt the power of these Elders as they taught and testified of Jesus Christ.

Our speaker in Sacrament Meeting Sunday talked about powerful people and what make them powerful.
He listed five reasons we are a powerful people and explained them. They are
1. Power in the Word of God
2. Power in the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
3. Power of Priesthood
4. Power in the House of the Lord (Temples)
5. Power in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
As we and the Elders share the the word of God with power, it is felt through the power of the Holy Ghost and lives are changed. We are armed with the power of the Priesthood and the power from temple attendance as we share our most important message, the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Althoush we are relating these powers through our missionary service, they are available to all who choose to live the gospel.

As time has past we discovered we have gradually become a part of this ward and are involved in many lives. We visit those in the hospital, many with special needs and drive members to appointments or school.
Sunday evening just before we finished dinner with the Elders we got a call from a ward member. Elder Berry answered the phone and thought they asked what time we would be able to take them to the food pantry Tuesday because they were out of food. We were busy so Elder Berry told them we would look at our calender and call them back later. The Elders left, Elder Berry drove the van we use on Sunday back to the ward member, who loans it to us, and I followed behind in the car. Elder Berry drove the van Sunday because everyone else was busy. By the time we got back home it was about ten o'clock and we were extremely tired and getting ready for bed when the phone rang. It was the lady Elder Berry had talked to earlier. What she really said was they didn't have any food and would we bring them some. They forgot to tell the bishop at church and tried calling him and the Relief Society President but neither one answered their phone. They know we cook for the missionaries every Sunday and she teases me all the time about being invited. Elder Berry and I got dressed, gathered up all our left overs, including desert, and drove to a dangerous neighborhood and took them some food. Indiana our sweet sister in the care home got the cast off her leg Thursday. When we visited Friday she had to demonstrate how well she uses her walker. We took her a picture of Jesus to hang in her room. Before we left Indiana and I had to give each other "sugar."  Then Indiana rubbed it in. This is a ritual we do every week. We visited another one of our sisters in the hospital Monday with fluid on her lungs. She has congestive heart failure. She went home later in the week so Friday evening when we went by her home to check on her she had been taken back to the hospital. Fortunately she returned home Saturday. Friday evening just as we were heading home we got a frantic call from one of our recent converts. She had just learned that her mother who lives in Florida had a stroke and was in the hospital. She was sobbing and when Elder Berry and I got there we were able to talk with her and give her some comfort. We called the mission home and our Mission President called Florida and arranged for someone to visit her mother and give her a blessing although she isn't a member of the church. Her first desire was just get in a car and take off to see her mom, about an eight hour drive. Her dilemma was finanical, a car that would make the trip, her family and business. Saturday she and her oldest daughter drove to Florida to check on her mom. She called us just before she left town and Sunday morning to let us know how things were going. Her husband came to church Sunday with his toddler and his daughter's one year old baby and toddler. Three small children and he did it all by himself. We are so proud of them and their desire to receive blessings and power by keeping commandments.  We and the Elders drove an investigator to Department of Family and Child Services. This lady doesn't have a car. The father of her two children took them, although she has custody, and she wants to get them back. She learned they couldn't help her. She needs to contact the police and other agencies. She was very discouraged but it gave her hope that someone was trying to help. The next day we accompanied the Elders as they taught this lady a discussion. She mentioned that yesterday, Friday, was the 13th and it was the best and happiest Friday the 13th she had ever had because we had taken time to help her. We felt bad because we really didn't help but we were someone who cared and tried to help. This has been a busy week and these are some of the experiences that have enriched our lives as we serve.

Many times as we serve we feel powerless as we strive to assist others. They have many trials and need to overcome many habits and traditions to live the gospel. As we visit we can see their eyes light up as they understand the principles we teach. The exciting part is watching them live those principles and their lives change then they have power.

Love,  Elder and Sister Berry

Our Third Companion's miles keep adding up

We have started taking pictures of church signs because the churches  have so many interesting names and quotes. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


As we and the Elders go about proclaiming the Gospel we teach correct principles, we get commitments and Then we promise blessings. We have been taught to be bold in promising blessings. Sometimes we use an If and Then format when teaching correct principles. The If part is counsel from the Lord. The Then part is the promised results of obeying or disobeying that counsel. We teach the principle of the word of wisdom We commit them to stop smoking, promise blessings and encourage them as they struggle to overcome. The Word of Wisdom is "a principle with a promise" (D&C 89:3). We commit those we teach to stop smoking.  If they stop smoking - Then the promises are health, wisdom, strength and other blessings.It's hard to remember that the Then part is according to the Lord's time and not according to our expectations. Today at Sunday dinner Elder Ultra was kind of down. He and Elder Phillips have been teaching a husband and wife. They love coming to church and were looking forward to being baptized. First they had many principles they needed to obey. The husband was a heavy smoker and the Elders had been working with him. This couple committed to come to church today but when the Elders called to remind them, they told the Elders they would not be coming to church anymore. One of the reasons for this decision was because the husband did not want to stop smoking. He enjoyed it to much. The Elders promised him If he would stop smoking then the Lord would bless him. He understood this concept but chose not to receive the blessings. This week we visited with two inactive sisters. One was struggling with her testimony. The other had a testimony but had fallen into inactivity for a number of reasons. We committed the one struggling with her testimony to read from the Book of Mormon daily and we would bring her some information on the issues she is having problems with. We promised her if she would read, then her understand would grow and she would be blessed with a testimony.  The other sister had some genealogy for her parents she needed to do but didn't care who did the temple work.  Elder Berry and I volunteered to help her get started with her genealogy and will go back Tuesday. This sister is a school teacher and is out for the summer, the timing was great. She also has health issues. We committed her to come to church, work on doing the things she need to do to return to the temple so she could do her own parents temple work. We promised her if she would do these things and  start by coming to church then she would find great happiness, the Lord would bless her.  

We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. We are so thankful to be blessed to live in this free land. Tuesday July 3rd  Elder and Sister Gowans invited us to celebrate with them at Fort Gordon. It was such a great day and that evening we watched a beautiful fire works show. Read 2 Nephi 1:7 & 2 Nephi 10: 10-12

The temperature was just hot. Sisters Berry and Gowans enjoying a snow cone

Elders Berry and Gowans were very sad because the Army wouldn't let them drive. This is a display only

We celebrated the 4th by going to the Farmers Market and buying fresh vegetables and fruit. We bought  two watermelons. One we took to a ward member and the other we cut to eat but sliced it and put it in containers and gave it to ward members. Over the course of the week we bought three more watermelons and shared with the Elders or sliced and delivered to ward members. Saturday night the Elders came over for  Sunday van route planning. It has been so hot here so the Elders enjoyed some watermelon. Today for Sunday dinner we also served watermelon. It was so refreshing. Back to the 4th - The Gowans haven't been downtown August so we drove them around and went to the Augusta Museum of History. We spent Wednesday evening at my sister Patti's house for dinner and celebrating birthdays. Patti's two sons and one grandson all share the same birthday. We celebrated their birthdays along with the 4th of July.  What a great evening and delicious food. Thanks Patti.

Another celebration we were invited to attend was the one year old birthday of Flynn. He is the grandson of Bobbi and Daryl. Their family joined the church several months ago along with their married daughter Amethyst who has two little children. It has been exciting watching them grow in the gospel. Whenever people join the church they can't quite grasp the concept of "endure to the end". Old habits of attending church now and then will not bring the promises of "If and Then". When the family was baptized coming to church every Sunday was very difficult and frustrating to them. When they did come they were late, coming in the chapel and finding enough room for a large family was difficult and embarrassing, plus they didn't see the importance of attending every Sunday. They love the gospel and the programs for the youth. The Cliett's bought a music store about the time they were baptized and have struggled with that challenge. Since they have been baptized Elder Berry and I and the Elders (even though the Elders who baptized them have been transferred) have been a part of their life. New converts love the missionaries no matter how old we are. All of a sudden things just started to come together for Bobbi and Daryl, they have come to learn "if" they keep all the commandments "then" the Lord will bless them. Bobbi and Daryl were troubled about the temple after performing baptisms for the dead. Elder Berry and I visited with them, answered thier questions and gave them information to read. The ward is having a temple preparation class on Sunday and they are attending that. Bobbi and Daryl are now eagerly preparing for the temple in five months. Now the Cliett family get to church early and have claimed their spot. Their attitudes have changed and they are happy although it is still a struggle to get a large family to church every Sunday. Once Bobbi was struggling with not shopping on Sunday. She called me, wanted to talk, she came over and we had a long visit. The following Sunday our Sunday School lesson was keeping the Sabbath day holy. The question was asked why don't we shop on Sunday. Bobbi raised her hand and rehearsed everything we had talked about. We love the Cliett family and were honored to be invited to their grandson's birthday party.

Elders Lee and Cahoon waiting for the Birthday Party to begin.
1 year old Flynn
Failli  turned 8 shortly after her Dad was baptized but waited until he could baptize her

Sister Berry, Cliett children, and the Elders


This has been a week of celibrations. Celebrating our country's freedom, little Flynn's birthday and growth in membership in the church. Our week wasn't all play and no work. We found great joy as we visited members of the ward and assisted the Elders. It was later than usual Saturday when we visited Indiana, our sister that lives in a nursing home. It was after 6PM and she had been waiting all day. When we walked in the room and spotted her she seemed so sad but came to life when she saw us. Last week we took her some little books and a small picture of Jesus. She had her books in her lap and the picture so we talked about what she had been reading. Last week before we left we asked what she would like for us to bring. She quickly responded that she would love some green grapes. Before leaving this week we asked what she would like for us to bring and she quickly responded that she would love to have a larger picture of Jesus Christ that she could hang on the wall in her bedroom. Elder Berry and I are probably the only visitors that Indiana has. It makes us sad that she anxiously waited for us all day and finally had almost given up on us. Indiana learned that if she prayed hard enough and waited long enough then we would come. We love Indiana because she brings such joy into our lives. She loves Jesus Christ, she misses church and struggles with her leg being in a cast but she is always so happy. She has such faith in Jesus Christ and has shared many spiritual experiences with us. This week we will return to visit Indiana earlier in the day and take her a picture of Jesus Christ. We love this mission and the people and we know if we endure to the end then we will be blessed along with our family.

Love, Elder and Sister Berry

Congratulations Tom and Nita (my sister and her husband) on your mission call to Edmonton Alberta Canada. They report to the MTC Oct 1.