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Elders Gowans and Berry leaving mission office |
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Elders Berry at mission office in south Catolina |
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South Carolina Mission Home |
"And that which doeth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light. and continueth in God, receiveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day. ( D&C 50:23-24) We are grateful for this council from our mission president and hope we will be able to make a difference when it comes to inspecting apartments.
Elder Phillips, Elder Agular (from Mexico by way of Texas), Elder Cahoon
Happy Birthday Elder Phillips
Last Sunday we celebrated Elder Phillips birthday. He requested a banana pudding. Elder Phillips is our new District Leader
We enjoy watching the Elders grow into their new calling and Elder Phillips has stepped up. He has decided that we should go into better neighborhoods to search out those who are prepared to receive the Gospel. In the past two years very few of those baptized have remained active. Elder Berry and I will continue to search out the less active and try to reactivate them along with the assistance of the Elders. The Elders purpose is to brings others to Christ and to baptize. Elder Phillips plan is to stop picking up investigators in the van and only pick up families who have been baptized who don't have transportation. His plan is to eventually retire the van which will probably take a couple of months. The plan is to turn transportation for those who need rides back to the ward. We are hoping and praying this will work. Ever since we have been in Augusta Elder Berry has said the van is a blessing and a curse. A curse because others won't search out their own ride and get themselves to church and many of the ward members aren't assisting as they should and receiving their blessings. There is one couple in the ward that offers to pick up members without transportation. He makes two trips in his van. While he takes the last route home his family waits for his return to church and then they go home. We love this family. Youth conference was two weeks ago and the Bishop called on the young man in this family to bear his testimony. His testimony was the highlight of Sacrament meeting. This family is truly raising a stripling warrior. The Bishop didn't have any speakers today because he occasionally likes to call on members from the congregation. Before Sacrament meeting started the Bishop asked Elder Phillips and Elder Agular to speak. They both did a wonderful job. Elder Phillips gave the restoration and plan of salvation in fifteen minutes. Elder Agular told of his conversion and gave his testimony. Elder Agular has on,y been a member of the church of three years. He has been on his mission for one year. Saturday Elder Berry and I drove Elder Agular to Sumter, South Carolina for a baptism of an investigator who he helped teach. The family, ward members, and the person who was baptized requested that he be allowed to return. President Holm gave permission plus he also attended the baptism. It was truly inspiring to be in attendance and watch as the members greeted Elder Agular. He is truly loved by the Sumter Ward. We left Augusta at 3:30PM and returned to Augusta about 11:00PM. On our return trip home the heavens were aglow with lightning. It was almost like a fire works show and was truly beautiful. Before we reached Augusta we drove into a hard rain for about fifteen minutes which slowed us down a bit. Elder Berry and I commented that although we had traveled about 275 miles round trip and been gone for 8 hours, it was as if we had never left. We know Heavenly Father watches over us and his missionaries as we travel the mission. Sometimes some of our experiences seem to be dreams.
As we served this week we visited the hospital, nursing home, and sick members of the ward. We assisted the Elders as they visited less active and recent converts and investigators. We truly love this work and assisting the Elders. At times during the week our light probably shone a little brighter than other times. Our service could probably be compared to the lightning that we experienced on our drive home Saturday night, flashing brighter from time to time. Our desire is to be a continues bright light to those we serve. Our Elders and Sisters are truly examples of light and truth as they travel the mission preaching the gospel.
Love, Elder and Sister Berry
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