Monday, December 17, 2012


What a joyful experience. My sister and her husband invited us on a trip to the Columbia, South Carolina zoo last Monday night to see the lights. Each year the zoo is decorated with lights and even has Santa. This is a tradition the Crunk family enjoy when possible. It was a lovely evening with a light sprinkling of rain and the lights were beautiful. As we wondered around the zoo we were even able to see a few animals if they weren't in hiding or asleep. We wondered if the Christmas season was a time of joy and peace for them with all the bright lights, noise and commotion.

Eder & Sister Berry, Madison Crunk, Santa, Ellie Crunk, Michael Crunk, Patti & Dan Crunk
Patti's grandchildren

Although this is the season of joy and peace on earth to some it is a very stressful time. Some of recent converts have been having a stressful time from health issues to finances and sometimes both. We visited a sister who's husband passed away a few months ago. She is experiencing health problems, lost her car, sold much of her furniture and has finally decided to sell her home. She and her husband bought the home shortly before the husband was diagnosed with cancer. It was their dream home. As we visited she told us of her struggles and her desire to keep all her things and how bitter she was becoming. As she slept one night she dreamed she saw her husband and he told her to let it go, things aren't important. She also told us she went out in her back yard, got down on her knees, raised her arms to heaven and asked why me, why all this. After her flood of tears her answer came and it was things aren't important. She got up went inside with a whole new understanding. Life will still be difficult and she will struggle but she knows Heavenly Father is real, he hears and answers prayers and he loves her.She found peace and great joy will fill her life as she lives the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Sunday was a very unusual day as we attended Sacrament meeting. A man from Grovetown Ward came in and sat down during opening hymn, looked around where he sat during his ward meeting, asked several people something and they started looking around like they were searching for something. Nothing was found so he left the meeting. After Sacrament had been passed he went up front to the Bishop, spoke to him, then the Bishop got up and asked everyone to look around for a set of lost keys. Everyone got up searched around their area but no keys. The man left. The first speaker was getting into her talk, with a sweet soft, reverent voice she was speaking about the birth of the Christ child. Elder Berry and I were sitting in the back of the chapel, the front row of overflow, when he looked over and saw a sister who was having some problems so he went over to her and asked if she needed help. We sat just a few steps from the chapel doors so she asked him to help her get to the foyer. Elder Berry was assisting her out when she fainted and somehow he got her to the floor gracefully without bumping her head or causing her any bodily harm or causing a great disturbance. Immediately a nurse saw what happened jumped up and started assisting along with two doctors. An ambulance was called and arrived within minutes,  the EMT quietly came in took over, brought in a gurney, got her onto it and transported her to the hospital. All this happened just steps from the chapel doors but before it ended it had gotten the attention of many of the congregation. The beauty of this event was the speaker continued delivering her message in a sweet calm voice as if there was no drama being played out in the back of the chapel. Her Christmas message, plus her sweet spirit brought peace to those who were aware of what was happening. Elder Berry and I followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed until we knew the lady didn't need us anymore. 

No matter what our trials and situation in life, we have a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior who love us, who will be with us and see us through.We live in a world that is filled with wickedness but when we turn our hearts to Christ and follow his example we will experience peace. We wish you peace and joy this beautiful Christmas season.

Love, Elder & Sister Berry

John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." 

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