Monday, February 18, 2013


This has been a rainy week with hard rains that lasted all day and into the night. Monday Elder Berry planned to go fishing with my sister's husband, Danny who is a fisherman. We have been here sixteen months and Elder Berry has been dreaming of fishing with Danny on one of our preparation days. Monday morning we woke to a pouring rain and it rained all day, what a disappointment. Hopefully next Monday will be a fishing day.  When we arrived in the mission field last year we were expecting a lot of rain but didn't get it so this winter has made up for it. We love the rain although it makes it more difficult to get out and about but thank goodness for umbrellas. The weather has been very strange. There will be warm days (mid 70's), then rain and then cool off and the cycle will repeat. Because of the warm weather and rain the Japanese tulip trees have already bloomed and other trees are starting to bud  While driving down the street this tree was spotted. It was absolutely beautiful. 

We had a very humbling experience this week. There is a special young man in our ward that is a convert to the church whom we have had the opportunity to visit. He has some disabilities but is able to live alone and can be spotted walking around town. This young man loves the gospel and blesses the sacrament every Sunday. Since he doesn't drive his home teacher picks him up and drives him to church every Sunday. When we got home from church the Sunday before Valentine day, Elder Berry pulled a little valentine from his pocket (the kind children exchange in school) to show me. It was addressed to Elder and Sister Berry and signed love Jomo.  Elder Berry also told me he was handing them out at church and we were blessed to receive one. That was the most special valentine we have ever received and I'm sure it was a sacrifice to spend part of his meager income on valentines.Elder Berry and I put together a little valentine treat bag and visited him on Tuesday. As we visited we asked if there was anything we could do for him. He thought for a minute and told us he wanted to baptize his sister and asked some questions which we answered then we asked if we could do anything else for him and after thinking for a minute he said he would like four AA alkali batteries for a backup. This Sunday at stake conference Jomo's name was read to become an Elder. We were thrilled.

This is what the church parking lot looked like Wednesday morning at nine forty five when we pulled in. There were two more rows of cars and trucks not in the picture. This was a big transfer and many ward members from all over the mission transported missionaries, luggage and their bikes.  
Before transfer meeting these bikes are all lined up ready for the new sister missionaries. Some sisters will be biking now.

Good by, God bless Elder Olsen and Elder Potts

Elders Tippetts and Gang loading truck. Brother Sandala a member of the ward assisted with transfer this month. Elder Berry and I were asked to assist the new Spanish speaking elders that were transferred into our zone, North Augusta
Elders Meyer and Park We look forward to serving with Elder Pack

Elder Tippitts and new companion Elder Gang

Sister Steimie transferred from Harlem, Georgia We will miss her! Her new area will be blessed to have her.

Sister Berry with Sister Lundholm who served in Martinez. So happy to see her at transfers

New couple just arrived from Canada. they are living in their beach home I think in Mertle Beach, South Carolina while serving their mission. 

Elder Berry and I literally had a front row seat today in missionary church history. Front row because when we walked in the chapel for transfer meeting the chapel was full except for the front row so that's where we sat. President Holm said all of us sitting in that meeting that day had a front row seat in the Lord hastening his work through well prepared young men and young women spreading the Gospel throughout the world.We testify this is true and and it was was a very touching meeting. The Columbia South Carolina mission received 23 new missionaries, 17 Elders (4 Spanish speaking waiting for visas) and 6 Sisters.  One of the new Elders has heart problems and wears a pace maker, two of the Elders were eighteen and five of the sisters were nineteen. With the addition of these missionaries nine new areas will be opened up.  Not sure but think about seven Elders returning home, three of which served some of their time in Augusta Zone, Elders Holyoak, Isrraelsen, and Sinard. Elder Cardon who came to Augusta the same time we arrived (16 months ago) and served six months here has been assigned as an Assistance to the President (AP) We have served with some of the Lords finest in this mission and are looking forward to serving with Elders Pack and Gang.

We both had a heart attack last week, it came in a package through the US mail and was from our children and grandchildren in Vegas and was filled with love.

This weekend was stake conference what wonderful and inspiring meetings both Saturday night and Sunday morning. This picture was taken Saturday night before the meeting started. Sitting next to me is Sister Hobbs,  wonderful lady (convert of about 2 years). She attends the Book of Mormon class every Wednesday. Missionaries sitting all around us.

 Our faithful third companion with Elders bikes in a hospital parking garage.
 Sunday evening the elders rode downtown with us to visit a sister in the hospital. Katy was back in the hospital and was scheduled for a procedure Monday. The high priest usually take sacrament to Katy in the nursing home but due to stake conference and schedules being different the Elders were assigned to take the sacrament to Katy and we were privileged to witness such a humble and sacred ordinance. After visiting with Katy the Elders removed their bikes from our car and went their way and we drove to another hospital to visit Sandra who had been taken back to the hospital Tuesday.  Elder Berry and I visited her Tuesday in ICU and arranged for a priesthood blessing. We also visited Wednesday and Thursday but since Elder Berry had a cold we decided we shouldn't go Friday and Saturday. Saturday Sister Lee from Relief Society visited and Sandra was finally awake and alert and was asking for us. Sunday afternoon we finally made it to visit and while we were there she was taken out of ICU and put in a regular room. Since we needed to get home and finish Sunday dinner we just had a brief visit so promised to come back that evening after dinner which we did. On our second visit that day Sandra was much improved and in good spirits. This week it seems as if we have been on an emotional roller coaster due to transfers; missionary transfers, transfers of special people (whom we have grown close to and love) to hospitals and the trials they are facing and the joys and disappointments we experience as we serve. Through all these transfers we know Heavenly Father is in charge and we will place our trust in Him.

Love, Elder and Sister Berry


  1. My name is Traci Peterson and am the Missionary Mom of an Elder Peterson from Allen, TX (North Dallas Suburb). He is in Augusta now with Elder Harding as trainer. Brand new with the new group last week. He is a tall skinny blonde maybe you can keep your eye out for me and give him a hug from his Mama? Thanks for your time, Traci Peterson

  2. My son, Elder Pack, just told me about your blog. Thanks for doing this. If he was one of the Elders that you dropped off at the hospital so that they could administer the Sacrament, you'll have to ask him what happened after you left them. It's pretty funny and inspiring at the same time.
