Monday, March 5, 2012


Elder Hunt Demonstration-Driving
Class Time at Zone Conference

Basketball after lunch-Sister Atkinson

President Holm

Elder and Sister Atkinson, Elder and Sister Laudie, Elder and Sister Berry
The Laudie's just arrived two weeks ago and are serving the Barnwell Branch about an hour south of Augusta. Their assignment covers about a 200 mile radius. We and the Atkinsons drove to Barnwell last Tuesday to meet and give a little training and encouragement.

The Atkinsons brought birthday cake for our birthday in February. Celebrating with the Grovetown and Augusta Zone Elders

Accompanying the Elders on a teaching appointment.

After several days of rain everything is starting to bloom. I think this is a dogwood.

Baptism Saturday-Sister Hill, Elders Muhlestein and Caldwell

Elder Berry drove the van(Gospel Mobile as named by Nancy Lang) on the return trip Sunday. I followed in the car because I had to pick him and the Elders up when they returned the van.

The highlight of this week was Augusta Zone Conference. The zone consist of 2o Elders, 2 Sisters and 3 Senior Couples. It's amazing all the things that are covered in zone conference. Sister Hunt, over housing, encouraged the Elders to keep their apartments clean etc. Elder Hunt, over transportation, gave safety training, proper use of cars and care and mission speed limits. Elder Hunt and President Holm reenacted an interview similar to what President Holm would have with an Elder who has abused his driving privileges. There were lots of laughs but hopefully they got the message across. Emphasises was placed on the fact that the misuse of cars caused extra expenses which was a misuse of tithing funds. The highlight of the conference was training with President Holm, Assistants to the President, and the Zone Leaders. A delicious lunch was served by the Grovetown Ward. The conference started at 8am and wasn't over until almost 5pm. At the close of the meeting we watched a talk Elder Holland gave at the MTC to a group of missionaries. Elder Holland told those missionaries that they were the Hope OF Israel. During the day as we watched, learned and listened (because that is what Senior Couples do) we can testify that these Missionaries are "Children of the promised day" as they "rise in might with the sword of truth and right". They are mighty as they give and receive training and as they apply what they learn. What a wonderful day!

We are thankfully to be part of this group of "Zion's Army".

Love, Elder and Sister Berry

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