Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Saturday baptism- Mykeria Campbell by Elders Muhlestein. Mykeria is 13 and her mom was baptized about 4 months ago.
Baptism Sunday after meeting-Beth Offenbacker by Elders Cardon and Holyoak. Beth had friends who were members of the church in California. She met the Augusta missionaries at a friend's (less active) home decided to take the discussions and was baptized. The friend's husband is taking discussions and he and his wife will be transporting the Elders to Columbia Wednesday for transfers. We accompanied the Elders on some of the discussions with Beth.

Spring has arrived in Augusta. This is what we see outside our sliding door dogwood and azaleas.

Elder Muhlestein, Elder and Sister Berry

Elder Muhlestein came to Augusta from the MTC and only stayed for one transfer. He will be leaving Wednesday. He is quiet and shy but is growing out of that. Elder Muhlestein is a great missionary and will do good where ever he goes. We will miss him.

Elder Holyoak, Elder and Sister Berry

Elder Holyoak is our District Leader. He will be leaving Wednesday. He told us it was strange at first having a senior couple in his district but it has turned out to be a wonderful experience.
Elder Holyoak was here for only one transfer so we were surprised when we learned he and Elder Muhlestein both will be leaving.

Elder Cardon, Elder and Sister Berry

Elder Cardon was in Augusta when we arrived and this was his first area to serve. He has been here about 6 months so we weren't surprised when we learned he will be transferred. We have loved serving with Elder Cardon. All these Elders will be great missionaries no matter where they serve. They have strong testimonies and great knowledge of the gospel and bear such mighty testimonies. Their parents would be so proud of them and they are bringing honor to their families.

Zone Transfer Dinner. Some of the missionaries leaving.

Grovetown District. Elder and Sister Atkinson, all their Elders will be leaving except Elder Clark. Elder and Sister Atkinson will be going home in April. They serve Grovetown Ward and are Military Relations at Fort Gordon

Grovetown Elders

Augusta District-Elder and Sister Berry, Elders Holyoak, Caldwell, Muhlestein, Cardon

Elder Caldwell will not be leaving Wednesday. Elder Caldwell was the Zone leader when we arrived in Augusta. Now he is a trainer and has trained Elder Muhlestein. He is a great missionary and it is amazing how he can get around in Augusta. Elder Caldwell has been in Augusta for over six months and we were expecting that he would be transferred. There may have been a little disappointment and surprise over this transfer but we have talked with Elder Caldwell and we all have a testimony that the changes President Holm made is what the Lord wants to happen. We have a unique situation with converts, getting them to church and keeping them active. Elder Caldwell knows all the converts and what most of them need to be strengthened in the gospel. Plus he is a whiz directing the van. We have gone on discussions with Elder Caldwell and are amazed at his ability to teach the gospel with such clarity. We are happy that we will have at least 6 more weeks with Elder Caldwell and are looking forward to three new missionaries.

Elders Law (zone leader) and Elder Caldwell

This past week we visited many people in the Augusta Ward, some active, some less active, some with only a child that is a member, one that is now in jail, and some addresses the member has moved and we don't know where they went. We have had many wonderful experiences and heard inspiring stories of conversion. Sister Owens conversion: Sister Owens was confused about which church to join and had visited many churches. There are so many churches here and they all preach such different things and they don't live what they preach. One evening she sat in her bedroom and prayed to Heavenly Father and asked him to tell her which church to join. Three days later about 8pm on a Sunday evening she got a knock on her door. When she opened her door there stood two white young men dressed in suits. They told her who they were and asked her what she had been praying for recently. She had forgotten about her prayer and didn't understand what they were talking about. They told her she had been praying for a specific thing and they were there in answer to her prayers. Then she remembered her prayer and she knew from that moment and has never doubted that her prayer was answered. The missionaries were invited back, she was baptized and has been active since. The amazing thing about this story is that Sister Owens lives on the 6th floor of a huge apartment building. The building she lives in was once a grand hotel in Augusta but has been converted into apartments

One family we have been visiting is the Smoot family. This is a young family with four beautiful children and members of about a year. They have had medical problems, car problems, a death in the family and a new baby. They are less active so we visit them often and give home evening lessons, play games and bake cookies. Elder Berry has helped and advised Christian with van problems so they will have transportation to church on Sundays. When they come to church they usually only stay for Sacrament Meeting then take their little family and go home. This past Saturday evening we visited, had a little lesson, committed them to come to church and stay for all the meetings so their little girls could attend Primary. We promised them their home and family would be blessed as their little girls learned the gospel as taught in Primary. Elder Berry committed Christian to stay and attend Priesthood meeting so he could be ordained to the Priesthood and have the power and authority to bless his family, to be a home teacher and serve others. This past Sunday the Smoot family did not attend church. We were sad because we want them to claim their blessings but we will not give up and continue to love, visit, teach and encourage.

Sunday we had a young couple come to church for the first time. They were the Spanish missionaries investigators. The girl wore "Daisy Mae short shorts" and had a Starbucks coffee cup in her had. A member of the Relief Society presidency took her to the clothes closet and had her put on a skirt. Evidently this upset the Relief Society Presidency so they had a little chat with the Bishop. The Bishop called Elder Berry and me out of Sunday School class and gave us a little lecture about talking to "our missionaries" and making sure they inform investigators what is appropriate attire for Sunday worship. Yesterday at the Zone transfer dinner we talked with the missionaries. The Spanish missionaries had talked with their investigator since Sunday. The girl was embarrassed but not offended and will probably come back. The missionaries learned their lesson. Living in Augusta I guess as missionaries it is necessary to continually remind investigators what is appropriate dress for Sunday worship.

Transfers are this Wednesday and we will be loosing three of the missionaries from our district. We are sad but know they are going where the Lord wants them to serve in his vineyard. We look forward to meeting and serving with three missionaries new to the Augusta area. Elder Caldwell is staying here and will be a great help to the new missionaries and Elder Berry and I will gladly assist when called upon. We are thankful they didn't take all four. In a letter from President Holm yesterday he told us he was sending an Elder back who has served here before. So Wednesday up to Columbia we go to participate in transfers.
We are counting the days. In two weeks our Vegas family and Alabama family will visit us during spring break! We are so happy senior missionaries can visit with family while serving. We are anxious for them to experience Augusta and the south. It is truly a choice place. Flowers and bushes are blooming and by the time the family get here everything should be in full bloom.

Love, Elder and Sister Berry

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